Structured illumination spinning disk microscopy


The company through a lens

A spin-out from the Scanning Optical Microscopy Group at the University of Oxford, Aurox was established in 2004 to commercialise and develop instruments for life sciences, medical and materials research.

Aurox products are based on the use of structured illumination to obtain optical sectioning and 3D imaging; the subject of a series of high profile publications by Wilson et al.1-4

Aurox have developed a series of instrument products since 2004, either licensing its technology e.g. Optem Optigrid, or developing and manufacturing products for Other Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), such as the Zeiss Vivatome and Andor Revolution DSD and DSD2.

Aurox technology is also used in the Zeiss SmartProof5 materials instrument and the 3DHistech Pannoramic Confocal Slide Scanner.

Alongside the OEM business, Aurox has since 2017 sold a range of end-user confocal microscopy instruments including the Clarity, ClarityHS, Visionary and Unity.

aurox company +15 year development history

Leaders in optical design.

Aurox and its products have received multiple awards over the years, including the Institute of Physics (IOP) Innovation Award, R&D100 award and the Queen's Award for Enterprise.

IOP2012 award logoRND100 award logo

Patented technology

Aurox products are the subject of multiple patents on the subjects of structured illumination, laser-free confocal and optical / microscope design.


  1. Wilson et al, Nature, Vol 383, 1996, 804-806
  2. Wilson et al, Optics Letters, Vol. 21, No. 23 , 1996.
  3. Wilson et al, Optics Letters, Vol 22, No. 24, 1997, 1905-1907


Aurox Ltd
Culham Science Centre
Oxfordshire. OX14 3DB.
Tel: +44 (0)1865 407814

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